Saturday, April 27, 2013


 By Chawn Saddam Kweli

 Atlanta, Ga- “I’m a man on a mission” says the leader of the New Black Panther Party, as he finished up his “Role and Responsibility of the Black Student” college tour. Moving with personal conviction and inner drive, Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz shared personal and detailed information on his days as a student activist on the campus of Howard University. This college initiative comes on the heels of his “Revolutionary Roots” tour a nine day fact finding mission throughout impoverished and high level parts of Azania, also known as South Africa. Attorney Shabazz is no stranger to the college lecture circuit he came prepared for this [in the same manner] he does all his addresses, with a combination of prayer and study. What makes this a staunchly special moment in time different than any other college event Atty. Shabazz has ever been involved with is this time around he has been baptized by the culture of Africa and the spirit of the ancestors. Attorney Shabazz is a student success story in his own right. He graduated and earned degrees from Howard University and the Howard University School of Law. He also was awarded the “Young Lawyer of the Year” award by the National Bar Association. While at Howard University,

Atty. Shabazz founded student activist groups Unity Nation (UN) and Progressive Student Movement (PSM). These groups were dedicated to tackling the issues of the black college student and injustices that occur to black people in general. These types of qualifications made
Atty. Shabazz the perfect conduit for transmitting the message of Self- education and liberation.
 Atty. Shabazz began immediately on lifting the spirits of the young students letting them know, “you are the key, and a key part of the rise of our people.”
Atty. Shabazz told the future leaders, “I was a black conscious student organizer operating on the highest level and my job was to raise the consciousness and awareness of the black student.” He spoke at length of the trials he faced to take bold stances and positions, while at the same time, attending class and making the necessary steps to fulfill all obligations and graduate.
 Atty. Shabazz says he faced “persecution and controversy” and told the attentive class of Clark- Atlanta University that, “Members of the administration threatened to have him expelled.”
Atty. Shabazz says he and a group of organizers took over the Administration Building in active protest and demonstration, after President George Bush Sr. Appointed a member of his National Committee to the Board of directors at Howard University prompting the revolutionary students to resist and rebel for several days.
 Atty. Shabazz says, “It made national news, they had to call in national leaders and negotiators, to come in and try to settle us down …. We did not passively resist, we took strong action.” The protest pushed Howard University to the forefront and made it the center point for Black Consciousness and student activism. In a funny moment,
Atty. Shabazz told the students “I know what you want; you want the Benz, the nice house, good money… I got all that, “but what’s most important is your character.”
Atty. Shabazz was able to leave Clark- Atlanta University with a freshly re-ignited Pan African student movement. Black students, that day, pledged to help
Atty. Shabazz and the New Black Panther Party in their efforts to rebuild the Black student activist movement. The second day of the tour presented Atty. Malik Shabazz with Georgia State University.
 Atty. Shabazz not missing a beat, delved right into African/Black History, settling religious differences, and ways to make [righteous money.]
Atty. Shabazz taught “your future is not in white America, and helping them to build up their empire, you must build your own!” He continued, “Your people built empires, before the Whiteman was even a thought on the planet.” In a stern but loving manner he warned doubters, “ don’t come at me with this inferior mindset about how much we need White people, I’m here to show you by example[ current example] that you and I are the masters of our own destiny.
” Atty. Shabazz finished with, “you can never adopt and inferior attitude when you are the mothers and fathers of the Red, Brown, Yellow and White people.”
 Atty. Shabazz spoke in a passionate tone about International Trade and commerce, “it’s all over the planet for us... those are our diamonds and our gold.”
 Atty. Shabazz spoke about being interested in opening up a Black owned company that will “employ our people and help us in the effort of Black people selling and owning their own diamond mines.”
Atty. Shabazz looking at the inspired faces said, “This is not just rhetoric, this is reality, it’s a big world out here.”
 Atty. Shabazz spoke direct to the Hip-Hop community “We can have the rappers not just making music about diamonds, but buying and selling them, and investing.” He continued, “I want the rappers [entertainers] to stop jocking the Jews and [Bloodsuckers] like Jacob the jeweler; with all the influence you have I need you to say a kind word about President Robert Mugabe, if you speak a kind word about him it’s over.” Atty. Shabazz told them, “he is that last Pan – African President we have in that region [and he needs support], I’m trying to get him re-elected.” Every Black student at Georgia State University felt good about the prospects of a bright future.
 Atty. Shabazz undoubtedly left his mark on the black college students and beyond any shadow of doubt has much to offer our up and coming leaders. During his tour.

 Atty Shabazz announced an upcoming Pan- African convention scheduled for the summer of 2014, in Africa. “I want to bring one- thousand [Black people] from America to Africa. “ I thank all Black students for their minds and academic prowess, and I encourage you to join with him me in building the Black Conscious Student Movement of the New Black Panther Party (BCSM-NBPP).” To bring Atty. Malik Zulu Shabazz to your college email or go to

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